Greater Sacramento’s workforce is diverse, talented and readily accessible. The region’s communities understand how to leverage training programs to produce a skilled and sought-after workforce. Each county provides access to labor market information for California, which includes industry trends for growth and decline, the numbers and locations of job openings, skills needed and education and training requirements.

Digital Upskill Sacramento

The Greater Sacramento Urban League and GSEC partnered to digitally upskill workers in some of Sacramento’s most impacted communities who had been displaced by the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 5,000 people throughout the City of Sacramento applied for the 40 available spots. The goal is to ensure training these students met the nation industry standards. The Greater Sacramento Economic Council engaged General Assembly and Merit America who both have successful track records delivering high quality immersive instruction.

Recruitment support

Greater Sacramento’s employment services agencies and workforce investment boards understand that it can be challenging to find employees who have the right skills and qualifications to get the job done. Resource centers across the region provide a number of events and programs to assist companies in recruitment support, including:

  • Helping employers successfully use CalJOBS,
  • Analyzing human resource needs,
  • Developing hiring criteria,
  • Assisting with job recruitment and
  • Hosting job fairs.

California Employment Development Department

Employers can enter job listings, browse resumes and find qualified workers through the California Employment Development Department’s CalJOBS system and participate in work sharing programs that prorate unemployment insurance benefits for workers whose hours and wages are reduced. The California Employment Development Department also provides training subsidies and layoff transition assistance in partnership with One-Stop Career Centers.

Training programs

A number of counties and organizations in Greater Sacramento provide a broad range of employee training services through training agencies, to enable employers to foster growth in their employees and job seekers to make themselves more valuable to their organizations including:

  • Sacramento Employment and Training Agency / Sacramento Works (Sacramento County)
  • Golden Sierra Job Training Agency (El Dorado and Placer Counties)
  • North Central Counties Consortium (Sutter and Yuba Counties)
  • Yolo Works (Yolo County) 


Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act adult training program assistance

Adult and dislocated worker training services are provided for Yolo County residents who have been laid off from an employer in the County.

Youth training programs are also available, including:

  • Apprenticeship: Provides job training that involves following and studying a master at a trade on the job
  • Job Readiness: Provides skills necessary to be successful in the workplace such as communication skills and technology skills
  • Occupational Skills Training: Provided by an approved school to support in demand short-term training programs that lead to a certificate or license
  • On-the-Job Training: Employee training at their place of work
Applicant screening support

Once candidates are identified, the Greater Sacramento region has the support system to screen for the most qualified applicants, including screening resumes and applicants, application coordination, skills assessments, interview scheduling and providing interview space.

California Department of Industrial Relations

Employers can access trained and experienced workers in a specific set of occupations through the California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Apprenticeship Standards.

UC Davis Extension

Employers can access resources through the UC Davis Extension to assist with educational needs assessment, instructional design, educational delivery (in person and online), custom training, facilitation and program evaluation.

General business assistance

Greater Sacramento is also home to a variety of centers offering workshops, training and similar programs.

California Small Business Development Centers

Existing small businesses and new entrepreneurs can receive no-cost business consulting, management training and technical assistance through the network of Northeastern California Small Business Development Centers. Service centers in the Greater Sacramento region are housed in the Los Rios Community College District, Sierra College and the Yuba Community College District.

Placer Business Resource Center

The Placer Business Resource Center in partnership with the County’s Business Advantage Network assists employers with recruiting and interviewing new staff, hiring incentive programs and coordinating job fairs.

Sacramento State Center for Small Business

Small businesses and non-profits can request free technical management assistance from the Sacramento State Center for Small Business in marketing, sales, accounting, financial management, information systems, production and operating systems management and business plans. 

Sacramento Works

The Sacramento Works Job Center and Training Center System provides resources and services to employers and job seekers in Sacramento County. Services, resources, workforce development sector strategies and training programs are provided by the Workforce Development Department of the Sacramento Employment and Training Agency, the Employment Development Department and over 40 community workforce development partners.

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